As an on site advertising consultant for Maxx Global, I have the opportunity to visit numerous businesses and discuss various Marketing and Advertising ideas. It was October 31st, and just like any typical day, I was in a Board Room working the slides of a Power Point presentation.
At about 11:30am, the board room door slammed open and a “suited” up Super Mario Bros. character walked in and handed us all some imprinted calculators.
Within 15 min, we were interrupted by an Evil Doctor, a Medieval Knight and a resemblance of Harry Potter. It was the costume distributors corporate Halloween party catering to their supplier chain. Each of the main suppliers all showed up in different costumes as part of a Sales/Marketing event. With 30+ suppliers, the promotional items being passed around created a true character to the costumed marketing reps. It was definitely a sight to take in.
With the spirit of Halloween, the gesture of Advertising Promotion was made very apparent in this extraordinary meetings of the Zombies and Pirates. From glow-in-the-dark Sunglasses to imprinted Bandannas, I walked away with a new sense of Trick-or-Treating. The entire Costume and Design industry is based solely on unique and different promotional items. Having something unique brings new business and creates awareness in a highly competitive industry.
As the candy wrappers start to accumulate, I still think back to yesterday when a Sumo Wrestler was handing out inflatable pumpkins fully equipped with a dual sided logo. As I wite this blog, this pumpkin is proudly displaying the logo of the Costume supplier. Promo items work…especially on unique items!
– Steve the Blogger